We accept returns up to 28 days from date of purchase. Sale items and seconds are excluded from this policy. All sale and seconds items are final sale and therefore non refundable. This does not affect your statutory rights.
Online and in store purchases can be refunded or exchanged in store. Items returned by post are eligible for refund only, we do not offer exchanges for items returned by post.
Items must be returned unused and unworn. Once received we will inspect them and notify you when your refund is being processed.
Refunds may take 7-10 working days to be applied.
Please note, shipping costs are non refundable.
When returning your item(s), please include a note with your name, email address, order number and list of items being returned. Your refund can not be processed without the required information.
Returns can be brought in person or posted to the following address:
Wild Tails Cafe,
1/2 Canal Square,
R95 T027
Once we receive your return, we will process your refund. This may take up to 10 working days to reflect in your account.